Motivational and Inspirational Quotes of Miguel DE Cervantes - Brain Hack Quotes

Motivational and Inspirational Quotes of Miguel DE Cervantes

Hey, guys are the Motivational and Inspirational Quotes of Miguel DE Cervantes hope you like it and follow in your life.

Motivational and Inspirational Quotes of Miguel DE Cervantes - Brain Hack Quotes

Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.

Delay always breeds danger. To protect a great design is often to ruin it.

To attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.

Good actions ennoble us, and we are the sons of our deeds.

Jests that give pains are not jets.

That which costs little is less value.

One who loses wealth loses much. One who loses a friend loses more. But one who loses courage loses all.

The knowledge of oneself will preserve that person from vanity.

It seldom happens that any felicity comes so pure as not to be tempered and allayed by some mixture of sorrow.

Our greatest foes and whom we must chiefly combat are within.

To withdraw is not to run away and to stay is no wise action- when there's more reason to fear than to hope.

Never stand begging for what one has the power to earn.

Drink moderately, for drunkenness neither keeps a secret nor observes a promise.

Time ripens all things, no one is born wise.

Laziness never arrived at the attainment of a good wish.

Motivational and Inspirational Quotes of Miguel DE Cervantes - Brain Hack Quotes

Tell me thy company, and I shall tell thee what thou art.

True valour lies between cowardice and rashness.

The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application.

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A person preaches well that lives well.

There is also this benefit in brag: that the speaker is unconsciously expressing his own ideal. Humour him by all means, draw it all out, and hold him to it.

Diligence is the mother of good fortune. And idleness, its opposite never brought a man to the goal of any of his best wishes.

Forewarned, forearmed. To be prepared is half the victory.

Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all is to see life as it is and not as it should be.

Hope you like the Motivational and Inspirational Quotes of Miguel DE Cervantes - Brain Hack Quotes, if you get some motivation then don't forget to read other motivational quotes and share with your friends.

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